Use "good god!|good god" in a sentence

1. Good God, child, look around you!

2. Good luck and God bless you.

3. He spoiled man’s good relationship with God.

4. May God send you a good deliverance.

5. Killing must feel good to God too.

6. (Genesis 1:26) We thus have good qualities because God has good qualities.

7. Make Good Use of Your God-Given Freedom

8. We enjoy a good relationship with Jehovah God.

9. And speaketh good of the covetous, whom God Abhorreth

10. He also denounced the worship of “the god of Good Luck” and “the god of Destiny.”

11. The Bogomils taught that there are two gods: a god of good and a god of evil

12. God making good his promises, Confuteth these reproaches and insultations

13. Most important, you will acquire a good name with God.

14. Those setting a table for the god of Good Luck,

15. Dagda, an ancient Irish deity, literally translates as 'the good god'.

16. First, because the good news they publish is from Jehovah God himself.

17. Instead, God will defend good people from those who would crush them.

18. + 4 After that God saw that the light was good, and God began to divide the light from the darkness.

19. Ask God to give you the grace to make a good Confession

20. The sisters nourished one another by the good word of God.14

21. Angel announces good news to shepherds; angels praise God; shepherds visit infant

22. “Prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” —ROM.

23. 9 God has good reasons for allowing mankind to follow a bad course.

24. One last blow out fior the God before I settle down for good.

25. With good reason, Hannah could say: “There is no rock like our God.”

26. 33 He had to offer a sacrifice to God to save good people.

27. Prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. —Rom.

28. “THE drawing near to God is good for me,” declared the psalmist Asaph.

29. A good number of people thank God daily for the gift of life.

30. I shall feel the benediction of the good God when Cosette is here.

31. When a certain ruler addressed him “Good Teacher,” using the word “good” as a title, Jesus corrected him by saying: “Nobody is good, except one, God.”

32. But how good it is to know that God has not abandoned his purpose!

33. God does not dwell on our faults but remembers the good that we do.

34. The good conduct of the brother had ‘added luster to the doctrine of God.’

35. (Proverbs 22:1) The good name that she makes with God has permanent value.

36. But to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God.

37. Prove for yourself what is the “good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

38. “Prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” —ROMANS 12:2

39. The Bible states: “God saw everything he had made and, look! it was very good.”

40. Saint Augustine's 'City of God' is an allegory of the triumph of Good over Evil.

41. Mr. Hertz: My god . Do we really suck or is this guy really that good?

42. By following this good advice now our worship will be pure and acceptable before God.

43. 6 Peter also associated baptism with “the request made to God for a good conscience.”

44. So, the Benediction is a blessing that describes what good God will do for us

45. We are exhorted to “become imitators of God” and to “work what is good toward all.”

46. + But if you endure suffering because of doing good, this is an agreeable thing to God.

47. If God really has irresponsibly abandoned his earthly children, he is no longer good, is he?

48. Frey:The Norse god who dispenses peace, good weather, prosperity, and bountiful crops; the brother of Freya.

49. 4 Thus, many people cannot understand why a good God would allow bad things to happen.

50. That is to say, if Calvinism is true God is not all-loving and perfectly good

51. The apostle Paul admonished: “Prove to [yourself] the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

52. “Bear thorough witness to the good news of the undeserved kindness of God.” —ACTS 20:24.

53. The Norse god who dispenses peace, good weather, prosperity, and bountiful crops; the brother of Freya.

54. Those conscious of their spiritual need see the necessity of cultivating a good relationship with God.

55. Offer: This brochure explains why such conditions actually mean good news for those who love God.

56. Once the Internet is free of loaders, oh my god, it's going to be so good.

57. But the point is this: For attaining salvation a good conscience toward God is absolutely necessary.

58. The faithful prophet Jeremiah had good reason to trust that Almighty God would never abandon him.

59. Good God what I've gone through I Was I to be dragged from pillar to post?

60. Many, including spiritists, recognize that God is the Supreme Being, eternal, infinitely perfect, kind, good, and just.

61. The good news is about both the Kingdom of God and salvation by faith in Jesus Christ

62. Lasting happiness depends on a good conscience, self-respect, true friends —and, above all, friendship with God.

63. This is a God-given good share, metaphase of 10 yuan of .07 twists target price deficient.

64. Have you proved to yourself “the good and acceptable and perfect will of God”? —Romans 12:2.

65. 20 A ninth way in which we can bring praise to God is by our good conduct.

66. Strength, Divine Suffering, Encouragements In Victory, As An Act Of God God's Providential Control Providence, Of God In Circumstances Acceptance, Of Instruction Love Towards God, Results In Anxiety, Overcome Divine Assistance, Given Comfort, When Discouraged Love For God Promises To The Afflicted Comfort In Affliction God Doing Good A Tough

67. Good Courage relies upon the supernatural power of God to strengthen and motivate believers to be Courageous

68. The proper response to Avarice is a balanced use of the good things God has given us

69. 12 Jehovah God was absolutely within his right to make this mark of integrity for man’s good.

70. This is a god - given good share, metaphase of 10 yuan of .07 twists target price deficient.

71. Consider: The Bible encourages Christians to ‘prove to themselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.’

72. By heeding the Bible’s advice to ‘prove to yourself the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.’

73. 7:5) Balance, good sense, must be observed, even when devoting time to some special service of God.

74. (1 Peter 5:2, 3) They help us to maintain a good relationship with God and the congregation.

75. KING SOLOMON of ancient Israel gives each one of us a good reason to accept discipline from God.

76. And Huck said, 'Oh my God, oh my God, I lied, I lied, ooh, I did a terrible thing, did a terrible thing -- why do I feel so good?'

77. 6 To begin with, “Jesus went into Galilee, preaching the good news of God and saying: ‘The appointed time has been fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has drawn near.’”

78. All Scripture is God-Breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

79. You must make “your mind over” and prove to yourself “the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

80. 17 If god will endow fortune to me! I will use fortune to return good looks! A nice mace!